Legacy Rules

This Legacy Challenge was inspired by Pinstar's Legacy Challenge. However, the rules and guidelines for this challenge are mostly different. There are some similarities but I shall try to explain it here for those of you that are wondering.

Gameplay rules:
  • Playing multiple households allowed to help build a more diverse story.
  • Editing NPC Households allowed (to add children and such so some families don't die out too soon.)
  • Heirs can marry anyone, be it in world, not in world, downloaded, or created characters.
  • Alphabetacy: Each generation of children are only allowed to be named after their assigned alphabetical letter (2nd Generation 'B' names, 3rd Generation 'C' names etc.). In theory gameplay will continue until the heir of generation 'z' ages to young adult. Thank you for the lovely idea and the inspiration LizzieMay!
  • No restarting after bad/unfortunate events.
  • No anti-aging potions allowed. Lifespan may be set to short, normal or long, but once chosen it must remain that way for the duration of the legacy.
  • You are allowed to chose a child's aspiration and traits.

Starting Founder(s) and rules:
  • Start with 1 Founder (Anne Montgomery)
  • No money cheats or any cheats that will help the family further their goals or add to their funds.
  • Founder may start on any lot/house they can initially afford.
  • Allowed to move if so wished.
  • Founder starts with their full starting funds.

Succession Laws: (This is more in accordance to Pinstar's Challenge Rules)
  • Gender Law: Equality (Either gender can inherit)
  • Bloodline Law: Strict Traditional (Only natural born children from previous generation may inherit. Must be able to trace an unbroken bloodline to the Founder.) 
  • Heir Law: Firstborn (The oldest, by order of joining the family, eligible living child is named heir.)

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